Johann’s Blog

Fake honey is “honey” that has been added glucose, dextrose, molasses, sugar syrup, invert sugar, flour, corn syrup, starch, or other similar products in a factory production adulterated process.

Producers of fake or fraudulent honey add these to pure honey … Read the rest

Plants compete with one another: They all want to be pollinated, as only then can they reproduce. The bee’s senses are adapted to signals that are emitted by flowers. On the one hand by their colour and on the other … Read the rest

  • Johann Jordaan
  • December 11th, 2018

The female worker bee, after the age of about 18 to 21 days commences her work as a foraging bee with her main function to seek the foods of the hive. There are four main foods of the hive; nectar, Read the rest

  • Johann Jordaan
  • December 7th, 2018

HONEY BEES are not pests; they are a highly developed species of the animal world and contribute significantly to the sustainability of the eco-system in all areas – urban environment, farming areas and bush lands. In Africa alone there are … Read the rest

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